Thursday, August 30, 2012

EagleRidge seeking variance to Denton's moratorium

This is information forwarded by Cathy McMullen:

The City of Denton, Texas, will hold a public hearing to decide upon four gas well moratorium variance requests filed by EagleRidge, Inc. Specifically, EagleRidge, Inc. is requesting that the moratorium on gas well drilling be lifted for four of its applications currently pending with the City’s Gas Wells Inspections Division.

The four areas are as follows:
  • The property located west of Interstate Highway 35 and east of South Western Boulevard, referred to as the Rayzor West 3H gas well pad site (GWP08-0029);
  • The property located west of Interstate Highway 35 and south of West University Drive, referred to as the Rayzor West 9H gas well pad site (GWP10-0013);
  • The property located west of Interstate Highway 35 and south of Jim Christal Road, referred to as the Rayzor West 10H gas well pad site (GWP10-0014);
  • And, the property located west of Interstate Highway 35, north of Airport Road and east of Precision Drive, referred to as the Rayzor West 12H gas well pad site (AGWP08-0029).
The public hearing will be held on September 11, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chamber at City Hall, 215 E. McKinney Street, Denton, Texas 76201. Members of the public are encouraged to attend the hearings and express their views.
You can also post your views online at this site: Gas Well Moratorium | Engage Denton by MindMixer
Click here for a DRC op-ed about EagleRidge, Inc.
You can cast your vote about this decision on the Engage Denton website.

1 comment:

  1. "An Eagleridge Operating worker has been indicted on a felony charge of illegally dumping contaminated water off a gas well site and into a Hickory Creek tributary."
    How many times do you think this has happened and no one was caught? This man did not wake up one day and decide "today is the day I will dump contaminated water into Hickory creek". It is like Mike Tremble said in an editorial, this company has shown a cavalier attitude to the city of Denton.
