New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Shale Gas Pioneer George P. Mitchell have an editorial in the Washington Post that attempts to give voice to the "sensible center" in a polarized debate by advocating "common-sense regulations." They see five main reasons to support fracking: 1. stabilizing and lowering energy prices; 2. creating jobs; 3. reducing dependence on coal; 4. allowing greater integration of renewables into the grid; and 5. reduced carbon dioxide emissions.
They are giving money through their philanthropies to support responsible state-level regulations:
"We will encourage better state regulation of fracking around five key principles:
l Disclosing all chemicals used in the hydraulic fracturing process;
l Optimizing rules for well construction and operation;
l Minimizing water consumption, protecting groundwater and ensuring proper disposal of wastewater;
l Improving air pollution controls, including capturing leaking methane, a potent greenhouse gas; and
l Reducing the impact on roads, ecosystems and communities."
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